Which Bones Can My Dog Chew?

We all know dogs love bones, and it's lovely to give them a treat once in a while, but now and then you stumble on an article or two claiming it's hazardous for your dog to have them. Haven't dogs always chewed on bones? The confusion is real because the answer is not that straightforward.
It all depends on what type of bone you give to your dog, and how it's prepared.
Down below we're listing the most common bones, going through which ones are okay to give to your dog – and which ones aren't.

Why Bones Can Be Good

A good bone kind of works like a dog's equivalent to proper flossing. It cleans their teeth and keeps away tartar build up. This is what dogs do in the wild, which is why you never see any wild dogs with bad teeth!

Why Bones Can Be Bad

Giving your dog a bone to chew on does come with a risk of them choking or getting hurt, especially if you give them the wrong type.


The common problem with chicken is that it's very easy for a dog to overeat as the bones are very soft, and can be hard for your dog to digest. When it comes to the actual bones themselves, they are thin enough to not cause any problems at all for your dog as long as it has them in a moderate quantity.


Don't give these bones to your dog under any circumstances. The quality of the bones mean they splinter very quickly, and they are very likely to hurt your dog. In the worst scenario, they can create damage in the mouth, throat, and intestines.


Beef usually is fine; the bones are hard enough to chew but not so hard as to cause issues.


Fish bones should not be given to your dog. Generally, fish have many small bones, and even though they're usually soft, they're very often sharp. It makes them likely to get stuck in your dog's throat and hurt them very badly.

Even if you do give your dog any of the bones that are considered safe, it's still essential to keep your dog under supervision while they're chewing.
Also, remember not to give your dog a bone if it's under two years old; their teeth are not hard enough to handle the pressure, and they can suffer long-term dental damage.

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